The Challenge and Solutions for EPCIS

Posted On: July 05, 2024

The Challenge and Solutions for EPCIS

The Challenge and Solutions for EPCIS

In the modern and interconnected global economy, it's crucial to easily share supply chain information to keep things running smoothly and transparently. That is precisely where Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) comes into the picture.

While EPCIS brings tremendous benefits like enhanced visibility and accuracy, getting this system up and running, and making the most of it, can be quite the challenge!

EPCIS for Pharmacy Wholesale Suppliers: Meaning and Developments

A powerful tool for this transparency is the Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS). This system lets companies track and share detailed information about product movement from the factory to the buyer.

The latest version, EPCIS 2.0, has an important new feature called the Core Business Vocabulary (CBV). CBV standardizes the terms used across different companies, thus making communication easier and clearer. This means businesses can share information more accurately without confusing language.

This improvement helps everyone involved in the supply chain communicate better.

Highlighting the Challenges and Solutions for EPCIS Implementation 

Here are five prominent challenges in implementing EPCIS (Electronic Product Code Information Services) and their corresponding solutions:

1. Technological Investment
Setting up EPCIS can be quite an investment because it involves buying both hardware and software.

For smaller and mid-sized companies, this can be a significant upfront expense that might feel pretty overwhelming at first. Even though it requires a lot of money to get started, many businesses find that the improved tracking and efficiency in their supply chains eventually make it worth the cost.

Solutions -

Kick things off with a pilot project to see how the system works on a smaller scale. 
Opt for cloud-based EPCIS platforms to save on infrastructure costs and easily scale up as needed. 
Look into any government grants or subsidies that might be available for adopting cutting-edge supply chain technologies.

2. Coordination Across Entities
A major challenge with implementing EPCIS is that it's not just about updating your own internal systems. You also have to get all your supply chain partners on board.

This coordination can be quite tricky because it involves different companies with their own ways of doing things. Getting everyone aligned and synchronized can take much effort and communication.

Solutions -

Get stakeholders involved from the get-go and keep them engaged throughout the process, so everyone is on the same page. 
Hold thorough training sessions for both your internal teams and external partners. 
Set up strong communication channels to make sure everyone stays informed.

3. Data Integration
Connecting EPCIS data with systems you already use, like ERP or WMS, can be tough. Often, it means you have to make complex changes to your current IT setup.

However, the effort can be well worth it. Once integrated, you can enjoy a more streamlined operation with better visibility and control over your supply chain.

Solutions -

Use middleware software to link EPCIS to your current systems. 
Take advantage of APIs to seamlessly connect EPCIS with other enterprise setups for greater flexibility. 
Bring in IT consultants or vendors who have a track record with EPCIS implementations.

4. Data Quality and Standardization
It's challenging to maintain high data quality and consistency when multiple parties are feeding data into the EPCIS system. Any inconsistent or incorrect information can really mess up the whole system's effectiveness.

Solutions -

Set up automated checks to catch errors before data gets entered.
Create and stick to consistent coding standards and methods.
Regularly audit your data quality to find and fix any issues.

5. Regulatory Compliance
Implementing EPCIS globally is challenging as different regions have their own rules for product tracking and documentation. What works in one country might not be necessarily acceptable in another!

This lack of standardization makes it tricky to use EPCIS in a uniform way everywhere. As a result, there's a lot of extra effort needed to meet all these varied regulatory requirements.

Solutions -

Integrate local compliance modules into the EPCIS system.
Keep up with regulatory updates and quickly adjust processes and systems as needed.
Collaborate with legal and regulatory professionals to understand and put in place the required compliance measures.

How Drugzone Ensures a Thorough Compliance with EPCIS

We at Drugzone are well-versed with the strategies for making the best out of EPCIS, while also tackling the potential roadblocks with ease.

We use powerful data analytics to make sense of the EPCIS data, which helps us make better decisions and run our supply chain smoothly. Similarly, in order to tackle potential issues, we maintain strong security measures to protect our data and use top-notch software to ensure everything works well together.

We also regularly train our team to handle any challenges, keeping our supply chain efficient and reliable. Contact us to know more!



Q. What challenges might I face when implementing EPCIS?
You could face issues like integrating EPCIS into your current systems, ensuring your data is accurate, and handling the increased data flow. But don't worry, good planning and support can help you overcome these hurdles.

Q. What solutions are available to help me overcome EPCIS implementation challenges?
There are many tools and expert services that can make the integration process smoother, help you keep your data accurate, and manage the data flow. Investing in quality software can also make adapting EPCIS to your needs much easier..


Article Author

Steve Thomas

Steve Thomas

Operations and Compliance

Working in Operations and Compliance at Drugzone Pharmaceuticals Inc. ,I manage Regulatory Strategy, Operations Management, Business Strategy, and many more. I also have experience in Project management, budgeting, and team leadership.